Monday, November 2, 2009

{insert appropriate title of blog here}

honestly, im not real sure what to write. my life really hasn't been all that exciting. i guess i just wanted yall to know that YES in fact i am still alive, and have access to a computer... to those of you who don't see me every day at school.

so i guess i'll give you 10 comments on my life...

1) I HATE WORLD HISTORY! it sucks balls. mr. mcnaughtan makes me want to sleep. the book does too. i have a feeling a AP prep-book is in order...

2) say hello to one of this year's take 5 directors! im uber pumped and can't wait for auditions! or to know what plays have been picked! my fellow directors have been so great to meet with and i'm so psyched to work with them. i don't really care if i get a drama or a comedy or dramedy or whatever. i just hope i don't get stuck with the crap play cuz i'm a sophomore...i hear a lot of people are submitting this year, so hopefully there won't even be a crap play for me to be stuck with.

3) men suck. just a little. oh well.

4) drama, oh drama, why must you always come knocking on our doors when god knows you're not wanted here? dammit.

5) i'm kind of hating choices a little right now. there are so goddamn many of them and i always seem to make the wrong ones.

6) so i guess i don't really know what i want. from anything or anyone. objective-less. if life was a play the director probably would have fired me by now for not having objective this late in the rehearsal process. (wow that sounced corny) it's not like i don't know what i want from life... i just don't know what i want from life RIGHT NOW... you know?

7) oranges would be cooler if they were purple.

8) wow... thanksgiving already? i'm afraid to blink... i might miss christmas.

9) i need thetwo school days this week to be over... like now? please?

well dang. guess that's only nine. oh well.



  1. May i just take this moment to say....I love reading your blog. It never fails to make me smile :)

  2. oh thanks! that made my day. :)
