Wednesday, August 19, 2009

seamless lives and jelly jars

you know those people who just seem to have it all? like you know you really really hate them on the outside, but on the inside you can't help but admire how perfect their lives are? and you wonder, sometimes if they know how lucky they really are? or seem to be?
i know that i am a really lucky person. i mean i have family, friends, a house, not dying of starvation or anything. but hell, my life is not perfect. and yeah i sometimes have a lot of problems with my life. and i know i'm lucky, but sometimes i totally wish i could be someone else, or just disappear. you know the whole "Poof!"and the world would continue on, completely normal, without me.
and sometimes i wonder if others think of me as a person with a perfect life. and it makes me wonder that maybe if the people who i think have perfect lives...
are really just like me.
feeling lost.
and looking back at me and thinking
"god. she is so lucky. why can't my life be more like hers?"

Well on to a happier topic! :)

i know the title said "seamless lives and jelly jars" but i'm really not going to talk about jelly jars. i thought it just sounded really cool. it kind of rolls off the tongue, you know?

anyway what i'm really going to talk about is sweatpants. (see? the title would not have been HALF as cool if it was "seamless lives and sweatpants". doesn't have the same ring to it.) they are so amazing! i would totally live in sweatpants if i could. by the way, who made up the rule that sweatpants are a fashion faux pas? LAME. if they aren't already dead i would kill them. i know i shouldn't care, and blah, blah but still. i like to look somewhat put together... who doesn't? we all try and look relatively normal when we go to school right?
i mean nothings wrong with jeans or anything. maybe it's the mindset that sweats get you in. seriously, like if you go to school in skinny jeans you're in a completely different mindset. like you're trying to impress someone. trying to look good for the world. I save my sweatpants for the days i really don't give a shit. and they make me feel great!
hmmm... i totally just made a discovery! well kinda. maybe its not the sweats after all. maybe it's just how you feel the day you put them on. like you really don't care what people think. and maybe thats why we all like them so much! well that and those soft, fuzzy insides. mmmm.



  1. Ahhh... fuzzy insides. But lucky emma can pull off skinny jeans fabulously anyway...

    Does that answer your question? :P

    By the way, you should change the comment box to not be below your post because everything gets all screwy. And really annoying because it hardly ever works...

  2. haha thanks. but huh. hannah i think you need to come over and help me with my blog... i seem to be tech challenged.
