Sunday, July 19, 2009

a fresh start

so... if you're reading this you probably know this is my second blog. the first one i deleted because i felt it was kinda dumb and pointless. however, now i have realized that being kinda dumb and pointless is the point of a blog. as you can see, i have decided to try and start over. its kinda refreshing. you know, new blank page, unlimited possibilities. blah, blah, blah. okay im not really sure what to say if you haven't read my blog before and dont know who i am. i guess ill start with a definition of me:

emma: eh-muh: n. 1) a normal teenage girl who loves many things such as: friends, laughing, singing, rainstorms, her iPod and vitamin water. 2) a double-and-a-half threat. (can sing and act, can dance a little) 3) a person who is frightened of the following things: fire, driving a car, and the future.

so there you go. a dictionary-esque definition of yours truly.

i need to do my summer homework, so i will write later.


p.s. yes i know that i didn't capitolize any of my entry. i think it makes my blog have some personality. or i just rock at life.

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